What's the 30x30 campaign?
Protecting at least 30% of the ocean by 2030. Can you believe it? I had no idea that today only 15% of land, 15% of freshwaters and 7% of our ocean are protected. What?!

Nature Needs More
We’re on track to reach a global goal protection, but world leaders need to dramatically boost ambition NOW! #WorldOceanDay #30x30 - So far over 90 countries have signed on. Let's get everyone on board. This World Ocean Month join us and people around the world by signing in support of the global movement to protect 30% of the planet’s lands, waters, and ocean by 2030.
Browse the WorldOceanDay.org database of events, activities, and announcements to find an in-person event near you, or a virtual activity you can do from the safety and comfort of your own home.
Although there are not too many planned in New Zealand, we would love to hear your ideas and see if we can work together to raise awareness for the amazing open spaces we have to enjoy.
New Zealand Parliament Signatures are now accepted:
Petition request

That the House of Representatives pass legislation to establish Marine Reserves to protect at least 30% of New Zealand’s ocean (EEZ) by 2030.
Petition reason We want to see New Zealand’s government do their part to meet the IUCN global goal of 30% protection of the world’s ocean in Marine Protected Areas by 2030. Pollution, overfishing, destructive fishing methods, and other extractive activities place dangerous pressures on our ocean, and these effects are only compounded by climate change. Establishing a robust network of marine reserves is one of the most important things we can do to mitigate these threats and protect our ocean in New Zealand.
Sign HERE please
Thank you! I LOVE seeing people getting together to give voice to the big causes <3
- Mila x