Mila Arena by Focus Magazine
Updated: Jun 2, 2021

- Looking gorgeous, June/July! 🥳 Focus Magazine latest edition is now available online at and at the office - 62 Tenth ave, Tauranga.
"You might recognise Mila Arena of @vonwheelsnz on the cover. At least half the cafe where we were interviewing her, kept interrupting our work at regular intervals for friendly chats and hugs 😂 This is just the way this woman is - making friends wherever she goes. Learn more about her challenging, yet eye-opening and inspiring journey from Argentina to New Zealand, from health problems to health with the help of self-love and a vegan lifestyle and from backpacking to starting a successful nationwide business."
Also in this edition: wellness expert Sarah Laurie explains how our breathing affects anxiety and stress levels; Lianne Bateman shares the story of donating her kidney to a woman who she hardly knew, plus we find five body-positive and wonderful Kiwi Instagram influencers and so. much. more!
Read the article:
Cover photos: Alex Spodyneiko @alexspodyneiko
Mila's makeup and hair: Laura Lemos @lauralemosmakeup
Style: Dominique Rojo Vivot @domirojovivot